Love, Pain & The Whole Crazy Thing

Man, coming up with witty titles is a lot harder than I had originally thought!  So, for today’s blog, I settled for the album title of one of my absolute favorite artists. I love, love, love Keith Urban! (And who else is excited that he’s going to be a judge on American Idol this year?) The “Sweet Thing” singer has been in the biz for over ten years, producing nine albums and various Grammy-winning tunes. Although I have a plethora of his songs on my iPod, my current favorite is “Stupid Boy.” As I mentioned, I pretty much love any songs about love and romance, so this choice is probably not that surprising! It’s about a guy beating himself up over losing a girl he loved.

“She laid her heart and soul right in your hands
And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans
She never even knew she had a choice and that’s what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can’t
Stupid boy, stupid boy”

Aside from the heartfelt lyrics, I absolutely love the acoustic guitar in this song, especially in the beginning- it’s just so pretty and perfect!  And then he gets to the chorus- amazing!  There are definitely some intense emotions in his songs, yet another reason why I love him.  Did I mention that I love him?  (wink, wink). I should probably at least try and profess my love for his music with a variety of verbs other than love, but I digress.  I guess, to spare you from my ramblings, I’ll let you listen to the song and form your own opinion, and  I’ll only be really offended if you don’t like it. Just kidding! Enjoy 🙂

Fun Music Tidbit:

The music video for “In Your Arms,” by Kina Grannis took 22 months, 1,357 hours, 30 people, 2 ladders, 1 still camera, and 288,000 jelly beans to film. Intrigued? Check it out:

Posted on October 8, 2012, in Country Music. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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