Daily Archives: October 15, 2012

Aca-love My Blog (Get Pitch Slapped)!

Greetings bloggers.  Well so far, my Fall Break has been awesome.  I visited my sister at VCU, and we painted the town. Okay, well, if you know us, that means that we ate junk food and watched movies in our pajamas all night.  But, the best part of our visit had to do with music (Are you surprised? ;-)). We saw the movie Pitch Perfect! It was awesome!!  Pitch perfect is about four different acapella groups that are competing in the national acapella group competition.  My favorite group, the Barden Bellas, was pitted against the Treble Tones, the cocky all-male group.  Although the movie was predictable, I absolutely loved it.  Movies and music, my two most favorite things!  Plus, the finals of the competition were performed at Lincoln Center in New York City (next to Julliard, which everyone knows as a school famous for its arts program) which was neat because my sister and I had just been there this past year. Anyway, I fell in love with the girls and their crisp melodies.  SO, naturally my favorite song of the week is from the movie. Although I loved all of the songs and heartfelt renditions, my favorite song is definitely the mash-up the girls performed called “Just the Way You Are/ Just a Dream”.  It’s so cool how they can blend two totally different songs into one beautiful masterpiece- I lovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee it, or rather, I LOVE IT!!

Oh, and in case you couldn’t tell that this is my kind of movie, there was also a budding romance between the two main characters.  How awesome is this movie?! (Insert interrobang here…)

P.S. the title refers to a phrase that “Fat Amy” says in the movie that’s a totally terrible pun, and yet, is still funny.

My sister and I also enjoyed this particular scene very much:

…pretty much sums up her character!

Thanks for reading!!