Daily Archives: October 29, 2012

Anywhere But Here, Sandy!

As I sit here ready to write about my new favorite song, Hurricane Sandy’s wrath is beginning.  The trees are whipping back and forth, and the rain is falling harder and faster by the hour.  Hopefully I’ll be able to finish before the power goes out!  I never thought I’d be happy that classes have been cancelled because of a hurricane, but while I’m stoked about no school, I hope there’s no significant damage caused by it!  Coincidentally, my song choice for this also applies to the weather.  Well, sort of.  It’s “Anywhere But Here,” by Safetysuit.  I’m willing to bet that particularly in the northeastern states, many people are wishing they were anywhere but where the storm is hitting!

I love this song!  I heard it first on a TV show or a movie (sadly, I can’t remember which exactly) and since I figured out the title, I’ve been listening to it non-stop.  That’s pretty much why I need new songs all of the time- I listen to a few songs over and over and over until I get tired of them and am ready for something else. This song is all about love (gasp!) and for girls like me, it feels totally relatable.  For those of us who have yet to find “the one,” we all hope that there’s someone out there.  In this song, the artists are singing from the opposite point of view- from the perspective of someone who’s in love with a person who has no idea.  It’s romantic, like a love letter put to music.  But, it’s also sort of rock-ish which may symbolize how the singers are ready to fight for that love.  Who knows?  All I know is I wish some guy would sing this song to me!  Take a listen and decide for yourself:

P.S. Since I haven’t found anything hilarious enough to share with you all (aside from a random weather video), I thought I’d tell you about this guy: Ryan O’Shaughnessy.  He was on Britain’s Got Talent earlier this year, and he’s an incredibly gifted performer.  In his audition, Ryan sang an original composition very similar to the song above.  He sang about a girl he’s been in love with who had never noticed his admiration.  How adorable! The first time she heard this song was when he sang it in front of a crowd of thousands of people- soooooooo romantic!! I LOVE IT!! (I will accept the huffs and puffs about so many exclamation points because he is worth it!

P.S.S. I love a good accent- and Irish is definitely a good one!