Category Archives: Rock Music

Na Na Hey Hey Kiss [Them] Goodbye

Phew!Phew! I don’t know about you, but I am so happy that the presidential election is over.  THANK THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am literally jumping for joy at this particular moment (making typing somewhat challenging), because I can finally turn on the TV without hearing a stupid political ad.  Don’t get me wrong, democracy is an amazing privilege that we sometimes take advantage of here in the United States.  But, the extreme measures that politicians use in trying to win an election, whether it’s a presidential election, a senatorial election, or even a county election, are downright ridiculous.   The main problem I have with politics (and had with this election) is the amount of money spent on political campaigns- it’s outrageous and, in my opinion, pointless. In Connecticut, Linda McMahon spent 100 million dollars on two senate bids over the past three years, and she didn’t even win her election! (either of them!!) This year’s presidential race costs have been estimated at around six billion dollars.  Six billion dollars?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Do you know how much of the national debt we could have payed off with six billion dollars?  Or how about feeding the hungry??  Helping Hurricane Sandy victims???  But, no.  Instead of doing any of these things, politicians spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on the thirty second advertisements that we’re forced to watch on TV, on YouTube, listen to on the radio, etc.; ads that most people detest and find ways to skip through.  If you’re like me, you mute the videos on YouTube, change the channel on the TV, and just turn off the radio in disgust.  Finally, after months and months, the political-ad torture has ceased.   For that, the song “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye,” by Steam is wonderfully appropriate.  Kiss them goodbye- we are done with you politicians!! (at least until the next election).

P.S. Many of you recognize this song because it is part of the soundtrack of Remember the Titans– a great movie!

Dubstep Cat

Photo of the word 'Dubstep'

Dubstep is a type of music that originated in Britain in the late 1990s.

Sadly, I couldn’t come up with a catchy play on the song title this week (but not for a lack of trying!) So, I improvised the best I could.  For this blog entry, I’m combining one of my favorite songs with the funny video bit I usually do.  “Sail” by Awolnation is a pretty popular piece of dubstep music that’s come out recently.  For those of you who are unenlightened about the new musical trend, dubstep is electronically generated music that uses mostly drums and basses to create low, pulsing sounds. Basically, the songs build up in pitch to then drop and create a big boom. I could go into much greater detail on the subject seeing as it’s currently my little brother’s favorite obsession (and favorite thing to talk about) but I think I’ll spare you all.  One thing about dubstep is that it typically has a great beat to it.  In the video I’ve posted, a cat is pouncing perfectly in sync to the rhythm of the song.  But, there’s more to the video than a random cat dancing.  All I’ll say is make sure you stick it through to the end!

P.S. I am a total animal lover, so combining music and a cute cat makes this video all the more exciting (for me anyways!) Hope you at least get a little chuckle out of it!